OA源河野営場視察に同行 Accompanied the Campground inspection


2025年03月02日 22:31

On February 26 (Wed), Scout Group Tomigusuku 1 Committee Chairman Mr. Ken Nakai accompanied at the investigation by Mr. Justin Wentworth, advisor to the Scouting America Far East OA Awaniko Chapter, into whether the Genkawa Campsite could be used as the venue for OA Odrdeal, which is scheduled to be held on Friday, February 28th and Saturday, February 29th.

The survey was guided by Mr. Joji Tamaki (Genka campground Ranger) and Mr. Ken Nakai (Counciler for Okinawa Council, SAJ, BSA Far East Council Innternational Representative, and OA Vigil Member).
After an investigation it was determined that the campsite was unsuitable for camping due to heavy rain damage and therefore could not be used as the venue for the ordeal

However, after seeing the damage at the Genka Campground with his own eyes, Justin-san said that he decided to take the results of his investigation back to the OA Awaniko Chapter Meeting and discuss having the OA members will do restoration work in April or May.
